The International Federation of Physical Education, Fitness and Sports Science Associations is an international non-profit organization founded in Hyderabad, Telangana State in India in the year 2016. Its purpose is the Promotes sports science and research with special attention to Physical Education and Fitness. The IFPEFSSA will promote Physical Education, Fitness and Sports Science among its Nation Members and Individuals. It will provide the platform to the Nations Members to Promote the Physical Education, Fitness and Sports Science in their Countries. News_Letter 2019-20
- To develop scientific knowledge concerning Fitness, physical education and Sports Science.
- To gather information, scientific knowledge and materials on sports Science and physical education
- To develop sports techniques in performance through scientific methods of teaching through Sports Science.
- Promotion of Physical Education and Sports Science to Achieve high excellence in Sports.
- To Promote the Research in Physical Education and Sports Science.
- To Promote the Health and Fitness among Individuals and Nation Members.
- To promote the friendly relationships among Physical education and Sports Science Professionals.
- To enhance the Physical and Mental Fitness among Individuals.
- To Rehabilitate in Injuries of Sports Persons through Sports Science.
- To Promote the All Round Development of Child in Schools through Physical education
The following are the Peer Reviewed Journals supported by the International Federation of Physical Education, Fitness and Sports Science Associations approved by University Grants Commission, New Delhi. India.
- International Journal of Health, Physical Education and Computer Science in Sports (
- Asian Journal of Physical Education and Computer Science in Sports (
For publication Please Contact Prof.Rajesh Kumar, Chief Editor: